The Keto diet is becoming the keyword many ladies search for to diversify their diet menu. In addition to improving physique, many studies also prove that keto is perfect for overall health.
What is the Keto Diet?
The Keto diet is characterized by a low-carbohydrate (carb) intake and a high consumption of healthy fats. This menu is designed to enhance the body's energy utilization without the need for stringent dietary restrictions.
By consistently reducing carb intake, the body enters a state known as "Ketosis," during which energy burning is elevated. This shift in metabolic state can lead to significant reductions in blood sugar and insulin levels, offering numerous health benefits.
A Keto menu rich in beneficial fats and low in carbohydrates has the potential to:
- Lower blood sugar levels.
- Reduce insulin levels.
- Influence the body's metabolism positively.
- Restrict the storage of excess fat.
Adopting a Ketogenic diet may contribute to overall health improvements by optimizing energy utilization and promoting metabolic balance.
What exactly are low carb in ketogenic diets?
Carb intake is limited to 50 grams or less per day.
Protein is often limited.
The main goal is to increase blood ketone levels.
On a standard low-carb diet, the brain will still depend
mainly on glucose, the type of sugar found in your blood, for fuel. However,
the brain can burn more ketones than with a typical diet.
In the ketogenic diet, ketones will fuel the brain. In
addition, the liver produces ketones when carb intake is deficient.
Ketones are an efficient fuel source that inhibits the production of free radicals and reactive oxygen species. This production leads to many benefits, especially for brain cells that use ketones instead of sugar for fuel.
Low carb and ketogenic diets are similar in many ways.
However, the ketogenic diet contains even fewer carbs. As a result, it will
lead to a significant increase in blood levels of ketones, which are essential
Glucose is usually the brain's primary fuel. Your brain,
unlike muscles, cannot use fat as a fuel source.
However, the brain can use ketones. For example, when
glucose and insulin levels are low, your liver produces ketones from fatty
Ketones are made in small amounts whenever you go for
hours without eating, such as after sleeping all night.
However, the liver increases ketone production more when
fasting or when carb intake falls below 50 grams per day.
When carbs are eliminated or minimized, ketones can
provide up to 75% of the brain's energy needs.
Benefits of the Ketogenic Diet
in Weight Loss: Ketogenic is a popular weight loss diet that
is effective. Adding good fats to the menu makes you feel less hungry and full
longer than on other diets.
blood sugar: For people with type 2 diabetes,
following this diet will help the body maintain blood sugar levels at a healthy
insulin sensitivity, help reduce body fat, prevent high blood
pressure and cardiovascular disease - a common complication in diabetes.
Keto Health Benefits: The Ketogenic diet has its origins as a
tool for treating neurological diseases. In particular, it can significantly
reduce seizures in epileptic children.
Although more research is still needed, scientists
believe that the keto diet slows the
development of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.
Ketogenic diet is suitable for who?
According to nutritionists, this diet is especially
suitable for low carbohydrate, high fat, low protein metabolic gene profile.
People who want to lose weight, maintain a fit body, healthy people who want to
gain muscle, people with diabetes, and neuropsychiatric patients can all apply
this menu.
However, a long-term high-fat diet can leave you
nutritionally deficient, at risk of developing kidney stones, and many other
concerns. Therefore, pregnant women, people with digestive disorders, kidney
problems, vegetarians should not apply the Ketogenic diet.
Build a Ketogenic Diet That's Right For You
To visualize the Keto menu and how to apply it to your
life more easily? Here are suggestions for you.
to eat
Because the keto diet has a high-fat requirement that the
body can use for energy, people who follow it need fat at every meal. You can
refer to the following foods:
• Eggs: Organic eggs are the best choice.
• Poultry: Chicken and turkey.
• Fatty fish: Wild-caught salmon, herring, and mackerel.
• Meat: Grass-fed beef, pork, offal, and bison.
• Milk and dairy products such as yogurt, butter, ice
cream, cheese.
• Nuts: Almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, peanuts,
• Healthy fats: Coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil,
coconut butter, and sesame oil.
• Non-starchy vegetables: Greens, broccoli, tomatoes,
mushrooms, and peppers.
• Spices: Salt, pepper, vinegar, lime juice, fresh herbs,
and spices.
to avoid
• Sweets and foods high in sugar: soda, juice, candy.
• All kinds of food rice, noodles, cereals, bread.
• Starchy vegetables: potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkins,
• Beans and legumes
• Fruits: grapes, bananas, pineapples.
• High-sugar sauce: salad dressing, barbecue sauce.
• Alcoholic beverages: beer, wine.
• Unhealthy fats like canola oil, corn oil.
• Processed foods such as hot dogs and canned goods.
Notes when eating the Keto menu
Forcing the body to convert energy from an alternative
source of fat can cause the patient to become sensitive, tired, have a
headache, digestive problems. They also feel the need to urinate often in a short
In sporadic cases, the ketogenic diet may increase the
risk of developing kidney stones. Therefore, you should consult your doctor
before deciding to apply the Keto menu.
In addition to applying a diet with foods of clear
origin, you should also combine a sports exercise regimen. However, do not try
to exercise a lot in the early stages of the keto diet, as it takes time for
the body to adapt to this change.
I have introduced you to a perfect diet called the keto
diet through the above article. But, like any diet, you build and apply it to
your life better, healthier, but don't forget to do exercise to improve your
Have you ever used the keto diet in your life?